One tip 4 the future!
Friday, August 31, 2007
Thursday, August 30, 2007
I wrote this in my mind.. try to read it and see if you can..
Today after a long time I'm feeling again the sound of Brasov. Half asleep, half awake I'm walking on the streets to destination nowhere. It's good to walk alone.. well, almost alone - it's just me and my thoughts. When you are alone and when you chase away all your thoughts you can actually experience something new. My eyes and ears were again open to see and hear the real life.. in my case - life in Brasov. I could hear all the cars rolling down the streets, horns buzzing at every crossroad, some motorbikes trying to impress the girls walking on the sidewalk. I realized that the 'noise' coming from the streets was not noisy at all because it was the only sound! I could barely hear it.. silence is definitely louder! The feeling was like the one when you are swimming under water and you try to understand what people are talking.. Not so many humans at this hour walking on the street – some are just waking up, others working already for a few hours and others (like me) trying to find their way.
Wait! Somebody across the street is waving. I'm waving back.. I know I'm not a good saleswoman and maybe I'll never be. I do not care while I have my cat and my gun ;))
I’m afraid my journey has to come to an end.. Brasov is still alive although he goes to sleep early in the night during week days and likes to party in the weekends.. I know he’s here and he will always be. It’s one of the things I could be in love with all my life.. the kind of true love that never is forgotten :)
I’m almost there.. I’m starting to feel the sound louder.. I can’t distinguish any more the city’s voice.. there is nothing I can do.. the sun has risen completely and the sound of life is becoming more and more louder.
One more thing.. you may ask “what about the smell of Brasov?“ well, today I felt it neutral - or maybe smelling like onions.. I couldn’t say.. I was half asleep, half awake..
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Ala micu'
Cine e de vina? Ala micu'.. moi, je, adica eu!
Cine ar putea fi responsabil pentru cresterea exponentiala a consumului de apa rece in ap.2? Ala micu' pentru ca face dus de 3 ori pe zi..
Ok, ok!!.. recunosc! Am o slabiciune pentru apa - doar nu sunt in zodia pesti degeaba! Imi place sa ma comport precum o ratzusca ratacita pe un lac.. sa ma balacesc prefacandu-ma ca imi caut prietenii ascunsi prin stufaris. Chiar credeati ca instalarea unei cabine de dus in locul cazii va remedia cumva situatia? :) Well, my friends.. you thought wrong! Muhahahahaha!! :D Asta doar ma indeamna sa plec la scufundari mai des ;))
Revenind.. 30 metri cubi pentru luna trecuta.. cred ca am doborat recordul! In apararea mea propun sa vina ca si martori: masina de spalat – este noua si cred ca nu stie bine cum e cu consumul de apa!!; robinetul de la bucatarie – stie prea bine cata apa s-a baut de acolo.. ahh! si sa nu mai zic de felul in care ii place sa picure toata noaptea.. credea ca nu o sa-si dea nimeni seama? Poate doar daca era mai atent si nu arunca picaturi in toate partile prin chiuveta! :D ok.. who else? Ar mai fi restul familiei.. ca doar si ei consuma apa si sunt implicati direct in acest proces.
In concluzie.. I’m guily.. dar vreau circumstantze atenuante!
Cine ar putea fi responsabil pentru cresterea exponentiala a consumului de apa rece in ap.2? Ala micu' pentru ca face dus de 3 ori pe zi..
Ok, ok!!.. recunosc! Am o slabiciune pentru apa - doar nu sunt in zodia pesti degeaba! Imi place sa ma comport precum o ratzusca ratacita pe un lac.. sa ma balacesc prefacandu-ma ca imi caut prietenii ascunsi prin stufaris. Chiar credeati ca instalarea unei cabine de dus in locul cazii va remedia cumva situatia? :) Well, my friends.. you thought wrong! Muhahahahaha!! :D Asta doar ma indeamna sa plec la scufundari mai des ;))
Revenind.. 30 metri cubi pentru luna trecuta.. cred ca am doborat recordul! In apararea mea propun sa vina ca si martori: masina de spalat – este noua si cred ca nu stie bine cum e cu consumul de apa!!; robinetul de la bucatarie – stie prea bine cata apa s-a baut de acolo.. ahh! si sa nu mai zic de felul in care ii place sa picure toata noaptea.. credea ca nu o sa-si dea nimeni seama? Poate doar daca era mai atent si nu arunca picaturi in toate partile prin chiuveta! :D ok.. who else? Ar mai fi restul familiei.. ca doar si ei consuma apa si sunt implicati direct in acest proces.
In concluzie.. I’m guily.. dar vreau circumstantze atenuante!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
A Prayer for the Stressed!
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Help me to always give 100% at work....
And help me to remember.....
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I cannot accept,
and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people I had
to kill today because they pissed me off.
And also, help me to be careful of the toes I step on
today as they may be connected to the ass that I may have
to kiss tomorrow.
Help me to always give 100% at work....
12% on Monday
23% on Tuesday
40% on Wednesday
20% on Thursday
5% on Fridays
And help me to remember.....
When I'm having a really bad day,
and it seems that people are trying to piss me off,
that it takes 42 muscles to frown and
only 4 to extend my middle finger and tell them to bite me!
Thursday, August 09, 2007

- Sunt optimista sau pesimista?
- Daca ma doare sufletul inseamna ca am unul?
- De ce imi pasa daca stiu ca tie nu iti pasa?
- Cum se poate sa iubesc ploaia si totusi sa ma feresc de ea?
- Ce inseamna daca simt nevoia sa plang si nu pot varsa decat 2 lacrimi?
- De ce respingi o idee fara macar sa vezi despre ce e vorba?
Cate dileme pot sa am eu azi?? Adevarul e.. multe!
Viata te ia mereu prin surprindere si asta se intampla tocmai cand te astepti mai putin. Niciodata nu esti pregatit si trebuie sa improvizezi. Cateodata ne iese, alteori nu. Problema e ce faci cand nu iti iese? Ingropi dovezile intr-un sertar si te ascunzi vreo 2 zile ca poate trece? ("Nu lasa pe maine ce poti face azi, mai bine lasa pe poimaine ca poate nu mai e nevoie") Stiu ca timpul le rezolva pe toate, dar m-am saturat sa astept!
Cri are dreptate, adevarul e o provocare. O provocare pe care putini si-o asuma. Si prin urmare sunt preferate acele "sweet little lies"..
"Un sertar.. o viata!" - nu am zis-o eu dar imi place cum suna.
Nu am incuiat sertarul.. il pot deschide si rascoli prin amintiri.. dar pentru moment prefer sa nu fac asta!
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Papanasii de Bran

Tip: The inside is always better!
Primii papanasi pe care i-am mancat vreodata! Consider ca este un inceput promitzator, mai ales ca au fost facuti intr-un mod profesionist.
Se zice ca papanasii de Bran sunt cei mai buni. Nu pot decat sa aprob ideea si sa va indemn sa ii gustati. Dar pana sa ajungeti personal sa ii gustati va las cu pozele.. yummy!
Tip: The inside is always better!
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